The Youth Project

Young people have grown up in a world where information is at the ready at all times – WHEN is here to cut through the myths, anecdotes and confusion to help Youth understand the issues specific to young bodies and their options to make safe, well researched choices for themselves.

Between the ages of roughly 11 to 16 the body takes on immense changes. Puberty, along with rapid height and weight
gains, can contribute to the likelihood of injury; during a growth spurt bones often grow faster than ligaments and tendons
which can leave them vulnerable to injury. Movement and exercise is essential to living a healthy life, WHEN is here to give you the tools to make educated and mindful decisions on how to safely move your body through your teenage years and beyond.

The Youth Project is in development! Watch this space for more valuable free content.

Exercises For Growing Knees

 Help us get the right information out to young women
