
Estrogen: The Hormone with a Day Job
(and a Night Shift Too)

Who knew? Estrogen, the hormone we've all pigeonholed as the mastermind behind the monthly rollercoaster and baby-making machine, has been moonlighting. And here we were, thinking it was just about sex and babies. Turns out, estrogen has been keeping secrets bigger than your hidden stash of emergency chocolate.

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The Little Black Dress of Women’s Health Podcast

The little black dress is a wardrobe staple. We go to it because we trust it and know that it can be worn anywhere. It's basic but reliable. These podcasts are exactly that. We cover a range of topics for all stages of life. Below you will find the episodes relevant to you!

Moving beyond menopause

Marking the end of reproductive years can be a time of immense change in your body – and experiences of this time can vary greatly! WHEN is here to help guide you with information and support to help you understand what's in store.

We are only just getting started here at WHEN and have big plans to deliver you high quality, well researched information to give you the power to make educated decisions about your body and your health through all stages of life.

We would love to hear what topics you would like to see covered in our perimenopause information library.

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